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Captain China is a company based in Guangzhou-China with offices also in Hong Kong. They have a network of partners across the whole country and they provide one-stop service for any business goal in the Chinese market<\/a>. They help to make their clients business get the best experiences out of the Chinese markets.<\/p>\n

Our team of experienced developers has integrated Aliexpress API to enable easy access of its product line to the website.<\/p>\n

We have also used CMS WordPress to manage its content. Adobe Photoshop enhances its graphic design<\/a>. Ajax, Jquery, Javascript, and Bootstrap make the website more interactive and seamless. HTML5 along with CSS3 provide this platform with a structured content. MySQL and PhpMyAdmin manage its database.<\/p><\/div> <\/div> <\/div><\/div>

Ajax<\/a>Aliexpress API<\/a>Bootstrap<\/a>Cpanel<\/a>CSS3<\/a>HTML5<\/a>Javascript<\/a>jQuery<\/a>MySQL<\/a>PHP<\/a>PhpMyAdmin<\/a>Woocommerce<\/a>Wordpress<\/a><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div> <\/div> <\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/section>
[rev_slider_vc alias=”captain-china”]<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/section>