CMT Solutions provides remote tech support for computers and mobile devices. CTM solutions website facilitates online service plans that cover computers and mobile phones. Once called, it claims to fix an issue in a day’s time. The company has dedicated phone numbers where customers can start a conversation with its team.
CTM solutions website shows details regarding its functionality, plans, testimonials, customer support details and information regarding the training it provides. Our team has used descent images to explain the company’s functionality. In a systematic way, the webpages are designed so that visitors can easily understand what all company does and how. The phone number for immediate tech support is deliberately kept constant on each webpage. It facilitates users to make use of it at any moment. Training details have complied in brief in a separate module where customers can have an overview of its contents and fill the forms on the same screen to register them.
To maintain the decency along with the creativity in each published webpage CMS WordPress is used. It helps to organize the contents more efficiently. All buttons including readily available ‘Start here’ tab, forms and typography are enhanced by JavaScript-based design templates using Bootstrap.