Nodum Management system is a traffic management system that minimizes downtimes, eliminates delays and prevents errors on your highway construction operation. It helps to improve traffic closure efficiency, provides a common platform for communication and arranges direct information of highway to its users. It gives access to the LCR & TCP history, PM schedule. Where the Project manager can request for link closure and Nodum automatically shows whether the request can be processed or not.
The layout of the platform is designed where user can easily access PM schedule and after selecting LCR and date can send a closure request. Platform gives instant access to portals and coordinate with real time status. It also provides statistics and graphs to understand the situation and trends. Online map as facilitated by website helps users in day to day life. It can arrange different user profiles and can also occupy traffic management system. It also raise the lane closure request.
A vital thing is done while crafting this website was the use of Yii2 framework. Because of this our team could create more realistic and comprehensive features in a single platform. Bootstrap helped to be more precise in sorting the data and create tabs accordingly.